Billionaire Entrepreneur Niraj Goel Set to Launch Singapore Innovation League  

Billionaire entrepreneur and innovator Niraj Goel is ready with his latest offering - the Singapore Innovation League. What is this league about and what is the purpose behind its launch? Well, Niraj, who has risen from the ground up all by himself, has strong views about giving back to the society. After making billion of dollars worth empire, he is all set to help others to nurture their own dreams!

More about Niraj Goel

Goel is an NRI entrepreneur, innovator and visionary based out in Singapore. He has multiple innovations to his name, mainly in the financial technology and insurance sectors. Thanks to his sustained efforts for several years, he has amassed a personal fortune worth billions of dollars. He has surpassed even some of the household names in India when it comes to the size of total personal wealth.

After reaching the top, Niraj decided to give back to the society. He has set up multiple trusts in order to help the poor kids, needy, and old age individuals. His latest offering to the society is a venture capital corpus, with which he intends to lend much needed help to the aspiring entrepreneurs! His support might prove to be crucial considering the fact that countless new ventures happen to struggle on account of paucity of funds.

More about Niraj Goel:


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